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Blender - Custom Shader Replaces Image BDSF

This script inserts a custom node group into the materials of selected objects, connects image texture inputs, and removes the default Principled BSDF node for a cleaner shader setup.

Blender - Custom Shader Replaces Image BDSF

Broken button... I'll fix it eventually...

import bpy

# Name of the custom node group in Blender

custom_node_group_name = "Arrows/Lines"  # Replace with the name of your custom node group

# Iterate through selected objects

for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:

    if obj.type == 'MESH' and  # Ensure the object is a mesh with materials

        for material in

            if material and material.use_nodes:  # Ensure the material uses nodes

                node_tree = material.node_tree

                nodes = node_tree.nodes

                # Find the existing image texture node, material output, and principled BSDF

                image_texture_node = None

                material_output_node = None

                principled_bsdf_node = None

                for node in nodes:

                    if node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE':

                        image_texture_node = node

                    elif node.type == 'OUTPUT_MATERIAL':

                        material_output_node = node

                    elif node.type == 'BSDF_PRINCIPLED':

                        principled_bsdf_node = node

                # If both image texture and material output nodes are found, insert the custom node group

                if image_texture_node and material_output_node:

                    # Add the custom node group

                    custom_node ='ShaderNodeGroup')

                    custom_node.node_tree =[custom_node_group_name]

                    # Position the custom node between the image texture and material output

                    custom_node.location = (

                        (image_texture_node.location.x + material_output_node.location.x) / 2,

                        (image_texture_node.location.y + material_output_node.location.y) / 2


                    # Rewire the connections

                    # Connect the Color output of the Image Texture to the first input of the custom node

          ['Color'], custom_node.inputs[0])  # Adjust input index as needed

                    # Connect the Alpha output of the Image Texture to the second input of the custom node (if applicable)

                    if 'Alpha' in image_texture_node.outputs:

              ['Alpha'], custom_node.inputs[1])  # Adjust input index as needed

                    # Connect the custom node's output to the Material Output node

          [0], material_output_node.inputs[0])  # Adjust output index as needed

                    # Delete the Principled BSDF node if it exists

                    if principled_bsdf_node:


print("Custom node group inserted, and Principled BSDF node deleted for selected objects successfully.")


This script automates the process of modifying materials for selected objects in Blender by inserting a custom node group into the shader node tree. It connects the color and alpha outputs of the image texture node to the custom node group and links the custom node's output to the material output. Additionally, it cleans up the material by deleting the default Principled BSDF node, ensuring a streamlined and efficient node setup.

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